Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds

Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds

At Gamescom 2024, fans of Monster Hunter Wilds expressed concerns about the game’s frame rate performance on the PlayStation 5. Some players noted instability and frame rate drops during the demo, sparking worries that the final version might suffer similar issues. Comparisons to frame rate problems in Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma 2 have heightened these concerns.

Despite the demo’s apparent performance issues, there’s hope that these problems stem from it being an early build not yet optimized for all platforms, giving Capcom time to address these before the game’s anticipated release in 2025.

Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds
Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds

Key Takeaways

  • Fans at Gamescom 2024 expressed concerns about Monster Hunter Wilds” frame rate, with some noting instability on PS5.
  • Comparison to FPS issues in Capcom”s Dragon”s Dogma 2 has raised worries about performance in Monster Hunter Wilds.
  • Despite concerns, it”s possible that the playable demo was an early build and not fully optimized for all platforms yet.

Monster Hunter Wilds fans are worried about the game”s apparent frame rate. The latest entry in Capcom”s monster hunting franchise made its presence felt during Gamescom 2024. A playable demo of Monster Hunter Wilds has some players raising their eyebrows about how they experienced the title on PlayStation 5.

According to Capcom, the game is expected to be out by 2025, which could give the developers enough time to iron out any problems the title may be experiencing. However, with fans believing that Monster Hunter Wilds will come out during Q1 of 2025, this raises a lot of red flags for fans. Some players think that there might not be enough time before the release date to fix what some deem as frame rate issues.

Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds
Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds


Monster Hunter Wilds Shows Off 14 Weapons That Will Be Featured in the Game

Monster Hunter Wilds shares a brand new compilation of the 14 weapons and the new mechanics that will be included in the game.

Why Should Fans Be Concerned Regarding Monster Hunter Wilds” Frame Rate?

Fans who were able to attend Gamescom 2024 and try the Monster Hunter Wilds demo raised concerns regarding the experience. The said demo was playable on PlayStation 5. According to some who played the game, it didn”t seem like the title had a locked 60 frames-per-second. Some even claimed that the demo was capped at 30 FPS, yet it was still unstable. As a game that puts emphasis on learning attack patterns and timing, shoddy performance would have a negative effect on gameplay. Although the spotty FPS was a major cause of concern, those who tried the demo were impressed with how the game looked, along with the introduction of the new mechanics.

Most of the fans” worries regarding frame rate were not without basis as Capcom”s recently released Dragon”s Dogma 2 had FPS concerns as well. And while various fixes for the PC and patches for the console version have made the situation better, many players still have several concerns regarding how the game runs. As Monster Hunter Wilds and Dragon”s Dogma 2 share some slight similarities in terms of gameplay, it”s not far-fetched for fans to mention the comparison.Close

Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds
Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds

Although the previously mentioned rumored release date might raise some alarms, some commenters mentioned that platform-specific optimization is usually one of the last steps during the development cycle. It”s quite possible that the playable build during Gamescom 2024 was an early build. It”s also possible that the aforementioned build wasn”t yet optimized for the PlayStation 5. Monster Hunter Wilds is a multi-platform game after all. The developers have to make sure that not only does it run on both Xbox Series X/S, the team also needs to ensure that the PC version should be up to par. Hopefully, Capcom addresses these concerns before 2024 ends.

Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds
Gamescom 2024 Demo Raises Frame Rate Concerns for Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds

Dynamic, ever-changing environments. A story of monsters and humans in a world with two faces: one in which the lands are harsh and unforgiving, where monsters fight for scant resources—and another in which the lands are vibrant and brimming with life.

You play as a professional monster hunter, protecting the balance of the ecosystem and hunting monsters. Use the resources you gain from hunts to craft ever more powerful weapons and armor in your quest to unravel the mysteries of the new lands.

Experience the most evolved action and improved immersion in any Monster Hunter to date.






Monster Hunter


, PS5
, Xbox Series X
, Xbox Series S






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