Renowned Insomniacs After School creator Makoto Ojiro and celebrated anime writer-director Mari Okada (Toradora!, Anohana) are teaming up for an exciting new manga project titled Shisutarejisuta. Announced in Shogakukan’s Big Comic Spirits, the series will focus on the world of idols, offering a unique behind-the-scenes look at the people who design their outfits.
Set to debut in the magazine’s 43rd issue on September 20, the collaboration promises to blend Ojiro’s thoughtful storytelling with Okada’s emotional depth.
Key Takeaways
- Makoto Ojiro & Mari Okada will collaborate on a new manga, Shisutarejisuta, focusing on Idols.
- Ojiro is known for her Insomniacs After School series.
- Mari Okada is a renowned anime writer, known for series like Toradora!, Anohana, and Maboroshi.
Insomniacs After School Mangaka Makoto Ojiro and writer-director Mari Okada are set to collaborate on a new manga project. The announcement was made in this year’ 40th issue of Shogakukan”s Big Comic Spirits magazine.
The manga, Shisutarejisuta, will be released in the 43rd issue of Big Comic Spirits on September 20. The series will focus on idols and feature a behind-the-scenes look at the people who make their clothes.
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A Collaboration Between Two Acclaimed Writers
Ojiro is best known for her Insomniacs After School series, which ran in Big Comic Spirits from May 2019 to August 2023, spanning 14 volumes. The series follows two insomniacs, who through a chance meeting, reestablish their school’s astronomy club, forming a close bond along the way.
A live-action film based on the manga was released on June 23, 2023, and distributed by Pony Canyon. It was directed by Chihiro Ikeda and stars Nana Mori and Daiken Okudaira. An anime adaptation produced by Liden Films (Call of the Night, Terra Formars) aired from April 11 to July 4, 2023.
Okada is considered one of the most celebrated writers in the anime industry, having written for a number of acclaimed series over the years. Her notable credits include, but are not limited to, Toradora!, Anohana, The Pet Girl of Sakurasou, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, The Anthem of the Heart, and most recently the sci-fi drama Maboroshi, which she also directed.
Okada also penned the coming-of-age manga, O Maidens in Your Savage Season, with Nao Emoto illustrating. The series ran in Kodansha’s Bessatsu Shonen Magazine from December 2016 – September 2019, spanning 8 collected volumes. An anime adaptation from Lay-duce (Heroines Run the Show, Tomo-chan Is a Girl!) aired from July 5 – September 20, 2019. Okada handled the series composition for the adaptation, with Masahiro Ando (Hanasaku Iroha, Sword of the Stranger) and Takuro Tsukada (My Hero Academia, Snow White with the Red Hair) directing.
Source: ANN